Alyssa's Law - New Jersey - Panic Alarm Compliance | SaferWatch

Alyssa's Law New Jersey

In 2019, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy’s legislation signed the bill that mandated that all schools in the state abide by the requirements set forth by Alyssa’s law.

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United States School Mass Shootings

There have been multiple deadly mass shootings in schools in the United States over the last 20+ years that devastated the nation. With the technological advances and the passage of Alyssa’s Law, SaferWatch aims to help provide a way to communicate with police once a threat has been identified and provide students, teachers, staff, and first responders with the necessary tools to act quick in an emergency situation.

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Schedule a DemoProtection For NJ Schools and Communities

The SaferWatch App can help schools and communities prepare, prevent, and respond to tragedies in New Jersey schools and all schools across the country. SaferWatch encourages all schools to take advantage of these advanced life-saving tools. Users can report suspicious persons and/or activities, regardless of emergency status. This feature allows concerned citizens to send text, picture, video, or audio content to law enforcement when they witness any suspicious activity.

Reporting unusual behavior has the potential to prevent crime from occurring in our schools and throughout our neighborhoods. This feature has been effective in preventing kidnappings, violence, and other dangerous situations involving students, teachers, and staff in N J.

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